Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why do so few people succeed in network marketing?

Simply put, most fail in network marketing for the very same reasons most fail in traditional business, i.e. they don't have a proven 'business recipe' to follow.

Two 'secrets' I've found over the years are the comp plan and YOU.

The compensation plan drives how the field behaves. Many comp plans drive bad behavior because the incentives are misplaced. Novices to networking tend to focus on consumer-type issues like the products, prices, etc. but in reality these are not the major issues. They're important, but it's the comp plan that is always pushing behavior in a certain direction, be that good or bad.

Most comp plans turn networkers into sales people who are trying to 'convince' and 'sell'. This sets the stage for a long haul and many frustrated days. I found it's much easier to find people who were already looking for opportunity than it is to convince people or sell them on it.

I know that when I found a comp plan that also paid the customer just for being a loyal customer is when "my light bulb came on!" When I found that, I knew it was what I'd been looking for the past 13+ years, and it feels so liberating to finally have found it.

Find a plan that builds team work, not salespeople, and you'll be much closer to the success you seek. Keep searching until you find your place, and if you're like me, you'll know it the day you find it!

What are YOU made of? Can you remain persistent and consistent? People get in business with YOU, not a supplier or a team. They may be influenced by them. They may be drawn to you by the products or the team, but they get in business with YOU!

There is the supply company and there is the team of people one is partnered with. The supplier produces the products and/or services and the team is the group of business partners that you will be working with. These are important as well, but without a good comp plan and a good YOU, it's usually all for naught.

YOU must be a match with what THEY want. There is no package that you can buy to provide a good YOU to offer your prospects. That comes through personal development and that comes through time and work, constantly working on YOU to make yourself a better YOU.

Contrary to what you and I were told, people don't get rich from things. I learned that the hard way over many years of trial and error. Then I read it in a Robert Kiyosaki book one day and I thought to myself: Wow! If I'd only have read that book right out of high school, my path to riches would have been much shorter. I recommend these books to everyone who wants to understand what the rich do, that the poor and middle class don't.

Once you've learned what to look for and what to look out for, you're on your way to financial independence.

You may find the right comp plan today, but the right YOU is another matter. The key to developing a better you is to try, fail and adjust - never quit trying for it's through adversity that we improve. As weird as it sounds, adversity will improve you the fastest. A big problem with that is we are humans, and humans tend to seek out the comfort zone rather than adversity. Keep trying, seek out a better you.

You can do so much more, so embrace the changes while holding on to the principles and character and you'll go far. We may not seek adversity, but when it does show up at our door step, if we'll embrace it and use it, we will improve.

Success and wellness to you,

Kurt Gross

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