Monday, April 18, 2011

Networkers who pester other Networkers about joining THEIR business

Here's something that bothers most Network Marketers.

It is the the biggest problem in networking, i.e. everyone trying to get everyone else into their business. People hate it when you do that!

I bet you do NOT want me to try to get YOU into MY business either, do you?

I have found a way to filter out all the MLM solicitors.

I send them to this site and it really hits home with them:

It explains why I am not interested, but it also let's them "cure" themselves of this bad habit.

How? Because this system will help THEM build THEIR income by converting their bad habit into positive energy.

It's funny, when you turn the tables on these "pests", they do NOT want you pesting them about THEM getting into YOUR business. Now they have a solution, and so does anyone who uses this system. It's just beautiful!

Zig Ziglar was point on when he said, "You can have everything in life that you want if you just give enough other people what they want."

This helps them, and me, get what we all want. Profit in our business and peace from the MLM pests.

For a great business tool, see if this doesn't make the most sense of anything you have looked at:

Here is my main business that I work full-time, when I choose to though, because my boss is the guy in the mirror. Contact me or just go ahead and register if you agree:


If you watch these videos and like what you see, let's talk about how it can help you build ANY business you want.

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